Boeken, bronnen en inspiratie

In het boek zijn ‘leef je leven in balans’ zijn veel verschillende onderwerpen aan bod gekomen waardoor het aantal bronnen in de vele honderden of meer loopt.

Los van de genoemde boeken, die vaak elk weer hun eigen bronvermeldingen bevatten, zijn bronnen afkomstig van onderstaande sites.

Bronnen en inspiratie: boeken Nederlandstalig

  • De kracht van vrouwelijke hormonen – Prof. Dr. Sylvie Demers
    ISBN 9789022333716
  • De cholesterol Leugen – Prof. Dr. Walter Hartenbach
    ISBN 9789020243949
  • De microbemens – Remco Kort
    ISBN 9789025306922
  • Allemaal beestjes – Jop Vrieze
    ISBN 9789491845130
  • De Nervus Vagus als Bron van Herstel – Stanley Rosenberg
    ISBN 9789463160667
  • Eindeloos Bewustzijn – Drs. Pim van Lommel
    ISBN 9789025906177
  • De Evocircadian Code deel 1, Basics – Leo van der Zijde
    ISBN 9789081604611
  • De Evocircadian Code deel 2, Reproductie in relatie tot gezondheid en ziekte – Leo van der Zijde
    ISBN 9789081604604
  • De Evocircadian Code deel 3, Eb en vloed van hormonen
    Leo van der Zijde
    ISBN 9789081604628
  • De Kritische Periode, Moeder natuur en vader tijd als programmeurs – Leo van der Zijde
    ISBN 9789081604642
  • Life of Brein, De toekomst is vastgelegd in de tijd die voorbij is – Leo van der Zijde
    ISBN 9789081604659
  • No fat No Future, Lichaamsvet, gewicht en voeding van verschillende kanten bekeken – Leo van der Zijde
    ISBN 9789081604666
  • De hormoonfactor – Ralph Moorman
    ISBN 9789079142279
  • Hormoonbalans voor Vrouwen – Ralph Moorman en Barbara Havenith
    ISBN 9789082235999
  • De Testofactor – Ralph Moorman en Pim Christiaans
    ISBN 9789079142255
  • De Boodschappencoach – Ralph Moorman
    ISBN 9789079142217

Bronnen en inspiratie: boeken Engelstalig

  • Mismatch, Why our world no longer fits our bodies – Peter Gluckman, Mark Hanson
  • The Fetal Matrix, Evolution, Development and disease – Peter Gluckman, Mark Hanson
  • Fat, Fate & Disease, Why exercise and diet are not enough – Peter Gluckman, Mark Hanson
  • Life’s Vital Link, The astonishing role of the placenta – Y.W. Loke
    Ancient Bodies, Modern Lives, How evolution has shaped women’s health – Wenda Trevathan PhD
  • Birth, Distress and Disease, Placental brain interactions – Michael L. Power, James Schulkin
  • Happy Food for Life – Niklas Ekstedt en Henrik Ennart
  • The Hormone Cure – Sarah Gottfried MD
  • Women, Food and Hormones – Sarah Gottfried MD
  • The New Hormone Solution – Dr. Erika Schwartz MD
  • The cholesterol Paradigm – Sheldon Zerden
  • Hormones, Intrauterine Health and programming, Research and perspectives in endocrine interactions – Jonathan R. Seckl, Yves Christen Eds.
  • The Imprinted Brain, How genes set the balance between autism and psychosis – Christopher Badcock
  • Life in the Womb, the origin of health & disease – Peter Nathanielsz MD PhD
  • The Prenatal Prescription – Peter Nathanielsz MD PhD, Christopher Vaughan
  • The Microbiome Effect – Toni Harman, Alex Wakeford
  • The Big Letdown – Kimberley Seals Allers
  • Fetal Nutrition and Adult Disease, Frontiers in Nutritional Science – Simon C. Langley-Evans
  • Oestrogen Matters – Avril Bluming MD, Carol Tavris PhD
  • The Estrogen Fix, The breakthrough guide to being healthy, energized and hormonally balanced – Mache Seibel MD
  • The hormone factor in mental health, Bridging the mind body gap – Linda M. Rio
  • The Dopaminergic Mind in Human Evolution and History – Fred H. Previc
  • Testosterone, Sex, power and the will to win – Joe Herbert
  • The virility paradox, The vast influence of testosterone on our bodies, minds and the world we live in – Charles J. Ryan
  • Lights Out, Sleep, sugar and survival – T.S. Wiley, Bent Formby PhD
  • Sex, Lies & Menopause – T.S. Wiley, Bent Formby PhD, Julie Taguchi MD
  • The Oxytocin Factor, Tapping the hormone of calm, love and healing – Kersten Uvnas Moberg
  • An Epidemic of Absence, A new way of understanding allergies and auto-immune disease – Moises Velasquez Manoff
  • Missing Microbes, How the overuse of antibiotics is fuelling our modern plaques – Martin J. Blaser MD
  • Planet of microbes – Ted Anton
  • I Contain Multitudes, The microbes within us and a grander view of life – Ed Yong, Charly Anson
  • The Human Superorganism – Rodney Dietert PhD, Jonathan Todd Ross
  • I Superorganism, Learning to love your inner ecosystem – Jon Turney
  • The Psychobiotic Revolution, Mood, food and the new science of the gut brain connection – Scott C. Emerson, John F. Cryan PhD, Ted Dinan MD PhD
  • The Mind-Gut Connection, How the hidden conversation within our bodies impacts our moods, our choices and our overall health – John F. Cryan PhD
    10% human, How your body’s microbes hold the key to health and happiness – Alana Collen
  • The beautiful cure – Daniel M. Davies
  • An elegant defense – Matt Richtel
  • Meet your bacteria, The hidden communities that live in your gut and other organs – Catherine Whitlock
  • Virolution – Frank Ryan
  • Virusphere, From common colds to Ebola epidemics, why we need the viruses that plague us – Frank Ryan
  • A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, The stories in our genes – Adam Rutherford
  • The Diet Myth, The real science behind what we eat – Tim Spector
  • Survival Of The Fattest, The key to human brain evolution – Stephan C. Cunnane
  • The story of the human body, Evolution, health, disease – Daniel E. Lieberman
  • Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine, The key to understanding disease, chronic illness, aging and life itself – Lee Know
  • Tripping over the Truth, The return of the metabolic theory of cancer illuminates a new and hopeful path to a cure – Travis Christofferson
  • Eve’s Rib, Searching for the biological roots of sex differences – Robert Pool
  • The Evolution of Obesity – Michal L. Power, Jay Schulkin
  • Can Medicine Be Cured, The corruption of a profession – Seamus O’Mahoney
  • Too Many Pills – James le Fanu
  • The Inner Journey home – A.H. Almaas

Bronnen: wetenschappelijke artikelen en informatie

  • – Sage Journals and Research.
  • – National Library of Medicine, Biomedical Literature.
  • – National Center for Biotechnology.
  • – Obstetrics & Gynecology, ASOG.
  • – Scientific, technical and medical research. Elsevier premier platform of peer-reviewed literature.
  • – Lippincott Journals. Leading global publisher of current and influential medical, nursing and allied health research.
  • – British Medical Journal. BMJ Research, Education and Journals.
  • – Global international benchmark for gut microbiota information and debate.
  • – European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility.
  • – open access journals.
  • – World Health Organisation.
  • – BMC Immunology.
  • – WHO – IRIS – Institutional Repository for Information Sharing.
  • – The New England Journal of Medicine.
  • – Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • – Springer Nature – Open Access (OA) Publishing and Open Research Techniques.
  • – Ministerie van Volksgezondheid en Zorg.
  • – European Chemicals Agency.
  • – Wolters Kluwer Health.
  • – Environmental Working Group US.

Bronnen: informatie en cijfers

  • – Rijksoverheid
  • – Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
  • – Consumentenbond
  • – Micropia Artis Amsterdam

Bronnen: schriftelijke bijlage

  • Bijlage uit de Evocircadian Code, Leo van der Zijde, 2016, nr.44

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